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Vocal Band (Ages 6-9 & 10-16)

Service Description

Vocal bands in our studio are offered in two age groups 6-9 years and 10-16 years. Team activities help students to sing in harmony, teach them to hear sounds accurately, and find themselves in teamwork. Most of all, however, it is a place where singers find themselves in a group of people with similar interests. In our often crazy world it is important to belong to a group. We want the participants of the ensemble to find their place in singing by identifying with the group. Classes are held once a week. We start the classes with technical tasks, then we give the harmony needed to perform the piece, dictations, breath and we interpret the song in a multi-voice manner. Activities in a vocal group greatly expand participants' hearing, rhythm and build self-confidence in children and adolescents. The strength lies in the group. Vocal bands are prepared to present their skills during various concerts

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